Sikorsky Helicopters CH-19E, UH-19F, HH-19G Helicopters Structural Repair Instructions 1953 (01-230HG-3)
SKU 40393:R
Handbook Structural Repair Instructions
Navy Models
CH-19E, UH-19F, HH-19G Helicopters
NAVWEPS 01-230HG-3
Issued Aug 1953 - Revised Oct 1961
Contents: Introduction, General, Main Rotor Blades, Tail Rotor Blades, Body Group, Landing Gear, Engine Section, Fabric Repair and Attachment, Extrusion Chart, Materials For Repair, Typical Repair Illustrations
Navy Models
CH-19E, UH-19F, HH-19G Helicopters
NAVWEPS 01-230HG-3
Issued Aug 1953 - Revised Oct 1961
Contents: Introduction, General, Main Rotor Blades, Tail Rotor Blades, Body Group, Landing Gear, Engine Section, Fabric Repair and Attachment, Extrusion Chart, Materials For Repair, Typical Repair Illustrations