Aviation Training Graphics Cessna 172SP Nav III G1000 Handheld Cockpit Poster (Includes PreFlight Inspection)
SKU 32040:N
PreFlight Inspection
The Cessna 172SP Nav III G1000 cockpit graphics are scaled to a manageable size, while remaining legible, to provide students with a handheld cockpit poster for reference purposes.
Size 17 x 17
PreFlight Inspection
- Cabin
- Empennage
- Right Wing Trailing Edge
- Right Wing
- Nose
- Left Wing
- Left Wing Leading Edge
- Left Wing Trailing Edge
The Cessna 172SP Nav III G1000 cockpit graphics are scaled to a manageable size, while remaining legible, to provide students with a handheld cockpit poster for reference purposes.
Size 17 x 17