The Boeing Company
727-100, -200 Pilot Training Manual
Document # FCT 727 (P) - Dated 7-1-69
Contents: Introduction, Preflight Familiarization and Preflight Inspection, Engine Starts, Taxi, Takeoffs, Climbs, Airwork (Low and Medium Altitude), Airwork (High Altitude), Descents, Instruments Approaches, Landings, Radio and Flight Instrument Failures (Typical), Abnormal and Emergency Procedures, Electrical System, Hydraulic System, Pneumatics, Air Conditioning and Pressurization, APU Fire, Wheel Well Fires, Compartment Fires, Smoke Evacuation, Cockpit Window Failures, Icing and Cold Weather Operation, Abnormal Takeoffs, Turbulent Air Penetration and Flight Without Radome, Abnormal Flight Controls, Abnormal Landings, Crash Landings, Specifications and Limitations (Typical)
727-100, -200 Pilot Training Manual
Document # FCT 727 (P) - Dated 7-1-69
Contents: Introduction, Preflight Familiarization and Preflight Inspection, Engine Starts, Taxi, Takeoffs, Climbs, Airwork (Low and Medium Altitude), Airwork (High Altitude), Descents, Instruments Approaches, Landings, Radio and Flight Instrument Failures (Typical), Abnormal and Emergency Procedures, Electrical System, Hydraulic System, Pneumatics, Air Conditioning and Pressurization, APU Fire, Wheel Well Fires, Compartment Fires, Smoke Evacuation, Cockpit Window Failures, Icing and Cold Weather Operation, Abnormal Takeoffs, Turbulent Air Penetration and Flight Without Radome, Abnormal Flight Controls, Abnormal Landings, Crash Landings, Specifications and Limitations (Typical)